Club Gear

The NZDA Upper Clutha Branch Inc. has the following gear which can be borrowed by club members. Equipment is available on the basis that it must be replaced like for like if lost or damaged. A donation for the use of the gear is payable. Please use the contact provided below for each list.

Alex Sharples

027 325 9586

  1. Twelve TCV 99 radios including batteries and chargers.

  2. Ten Uniden Radios

  3. Six Magellan Explorist 610 GPS units

  4. Six McMurdo Fastfind 220 PLB”s

Murray Burns

021 0235 6147

  1. One Caldwell ‘Lead Sled’ shooting rest

  2. Oztrail Gazebo (new)

  3. Club banner

  4. One Leupold Ventana SX6 Spotting Scope

  5. One Leupold RX1000 Range Finder

  6. Twelve Stoney Creek High Vis Mesh Vests

  7. Three Freedom Trilogy 3 man tents

  8. Six Freedom Atmos 2 man tents

  9. Twelve Thermarest sleeping mattresses.

  10. Twelve Silva compasses

  11. River throw bags

  12. Chronograph

Club Huts

The Wanaka Faces Huts

Branch members can reserve use of the hut, and the hunting block, for two three day periods during the term of restricted use, by contacting Southern Wild sporting goods store in Wanaka, and making a booking.

Outside this restricted period, hunters must apply to DOC for a restricted hunting permit for Block 43. The hut remains available for public use at no charge, on a first come first served basis.

Additionally access to other branch’s huts are available.

club hut
club hut

Location and Description: 

This hut is situated on conservation land in the Matatiaho Conservation Area on the shores of Lake Wanaka some 21km from Wanaka opposite Moua Waho island. It was the outcome of tenure review on Glen Dene Station but was considered derelict and surplus to DOC requirements.

In 2015 DOC entered into an agreement with the Upper Clutha Branch NZDA to upgrade the hut to a standard where it would be available for public use, predominantly hunters, but also by day visitors, fishermen and recreational boaters.

The hut was subsequently upgraded by the Branch and is maintained to a basic standard in terms of a Management Agreement with DOC. It provides accommodation for three people and a long drop toilet was recently installed.

As a result, the Branch has restricted use of Hunting Block 43 – Lake Wanaka Faces, on which the hut is situated, for six days each month, excluding the annual roar period from 23 March to 20 April. The restricted use runs from the first Wednesday of the month to the following Monday inclusive.

Club Gallery

Members Photos

Monthly Hunter Survey

The club monthly hunting efforts!