
If you would like to make a tax deductable donation to UCDA causes you can choose from two options:

  • Donate to help UCDA directly.
  • Donate towards NZDA history

A donation towards our local club will go to New Zealand Deerstalkers (Upper Clutha Branch) Incorporated, a registered charity with charity number CC47468.

A donation towards our history will go to New Zealand Deerstalkers National Heritage Trust, a registered charity with charity number CC52453.


Please “reference” your name and include “donation”.

Donate direct to UCDA

Account name: Upper Clutha Branch NZ Deerstalker Assn

Account Number: 06-0943-0009297-00


Send us an email to notify us of your donation so we can arrange for an IRD approved tax deductible donation receipt to be issued. It allows us to give you a formal thank you.

Donate to preserve our history

Account name: NZDA National Heritage Trust

Account Number: 03-0502-0440671-000


Send us an email to notify us of your donation so we can arrange for an IRD approved tax deductible donation receipt to be issued. It allows us to give you a formal thank you.

Leave a gift in your will

Thank you for considering including a gift in your will to UCDA and we are pleased to inform you that UCDA’s Constitution permits the receipt of gifts which are gratefully received.

Including UCDA in your will is a very simple process however please do seek advice from your lawyer when writing or updating your will.

To avoid any stress or confusion when executing your instructions, it is important our full legal name and business number are used:

Legal Name: New Zealand Deerstalkers (Upper Clutha Branch) Incorporated
NZ Business Number: 9429042678854

Types of Gift

Leaving a general gift towards UCDA provides flexibility for us however if you wish to leave a gift in your will towards a specific purpose we are happy to honour your wishes.


The ‘residue’ is the term used to describe what property of yours is left over after the deduction of specific gifts, debts, legacies, tax and the expenses of administration.


You may prefer to leave a specific amount of money, real estate, shares, bonds, items or a nominated gift to the charity.

Gift of Property or Items

If you wish to leave a gift of real or personal property or items it is preferable to discuss this with UCDA in advance – your items may be best gifted to the NZDA National Heritage Trust and so form part of the museum collection.

Information for your lawyer

Following are examples of wording, covering two types of legacy.

Legacy of all or part of a net estate

I give to New Zealand Deerstalkers (Upper Clutha Branch) Inc, NZBN 942904678854 (hereinafter called “UCDA”) the residue (or % share of the residue) of my estate absolutely and I direct that (i) the proceeds may be used to for the general purposes of UCDA and (ii) a receipt signed by a person for the time being authorised by the governing body of UCDA shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors.

Fixed sum legacy

I give to New Zealand Deerstalkers (Upper Clutha Branch) Inc, NZBN 942904678854 (hereinafter called “UCDA”) the sum of $______ and I direct that (i) the proceeds may be used for the general purposes of UCDA and (ii) a receipt signed by a person for the time being authorised by the governing body of UCDA shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors.